Do You Feel The Need...?

Last week's blog reviewed the sometimes overlooked abilities of younger students and this week I want to talk about the other end of the scale - adult learners. Nearly every single older student I've ever had has started their first lesson with a multitude of reasons why they can't play/won't be able to learn/will be terrible/have no expectations of themselves. "It's been years" they'll warn me, or "I've never done this, so don't expect much". I find this pretty amusing compared to younger students who will generally just attack the piano purely for the joy of making some kind of racket - harmonious or otherwise. Adults on the other hand generally require much prodding before touching a key and then very tentatively. It is completely understandable to be nervous in your first few lessons, playing for a complete stranger whose job it is essentially to judge your abilities. However, after weeks and months of students berating themselves I start to worry that there is some underlying problem. I consider myself fairly easy-going but there is only so much indulgent smiling I can do people. As a teacher it's my job to help you improve. If I think you're not doing so well on a particular song, or if I can tell there hasn't been a great deal of practice my current students can affirm that I will promptly point this out. Similarly if I tell you you're doing well, you best believe I mean it. It doesn't benefit my students (or me for that matter) to lie about their progress, and I don't believe in sugar-coating. I do believe in helping my students reach a level where they are confident to continue developing their piano skills without me. Which brings to mind another amusing habit of adult students: apologising for anything less than perfection. As I continually point out to them - if you're perfect, then you don't need me anymore.

I do genuinely worry about some of my adult students and their lack of confidence, which is something I generally encounter with younger learners, the main difference being adults tend to swear a whole lot more. I often wonder where this stems from and I've narrowed it down to 'results seen over time', one could even say a need for speed...? As adults we've spent our whole lives subconsciously developing life skills - reading, writing, speaking etc. However when it comes to learning something new it's very easy to forget this, and when we can't conquer a new challenge (even after 4 whole weeks!) frustration begins to set in. I've experienced this myself when trying to learn to play guitar. My poor partner (who happens to be an amazing guitarist) patiently endured days of my cries of 'why can't I do this!' before I realised I sounded exactly like my students. So I told myself what I tell them on a daily basis: 'give yourself a break'. Getting angry at yourself will absolutely not help you improve any faster. As adults we have full-time jobs, we study, we have children, we have lives. I never expect my adult students to practice 3 hours a day every day. This makes piano a chore. You'll start feeling guilty, throwing furtive looks at the piano which appears to be glaring at you accusingly from the corner. I don't want this, you don't want this, this is the opposite of what we want. Instead play when you feel like it, with perhaps a pinch of discipline. Be it 10 minutes before you go to sleep, during commercial breaks, when you've had a bad day, when you've had a good day - give yourself the time to realise your progress is real and you will want to play.

This was a lengthy one and I apologise, but it's something I feel very passionate about. So no more excuses! If there's a new challenge you've been putting off - be it piano or something else altogether - get started. As always feel free to ask any questions in the comments, and check back for next week's instalment!


What Can't Kids Do?

It's been another week of lessons and learning experiences and it's time for another blog post! This week I found myself dwelling on the fact that I am constantly surprised and amazed by my younger students. In my 5 years of teaching I've had to get used to children from the ages of 5 to 13 constantly surpassing my expectations when it comes to concentration, dedication and skill. This has led me to forget about things like difficulty when it comes to picking new music for my students and instead focus on choosing songs that will both entertain and push them. One thing I haven't been able to get used to is the techniques some of my students have learned from previous teachers. One particular example is a 6-year-old student of mine who had learned 'C position'. This involves resting the hand on the notes C, D, E, F and G, one finger per key. When I asked them to play A (the key after G) they gave me a very exasperated look and said 'Julia I don't have any more fingers!'. Another student had learned to recognise keys not as C, D and E but as 1, 2 and 3. When I asked them to play me a C they couldn't find one. One young girl had only ever been given Bartok pieces and was very excited to learn that classical music was not her only choice of genre. I've taught these same kids to play all their basic major scales, 1 to 3 octaves, in both parallel and contrary motion. I've seen them tackle difficult songs purely because they're huge fans of Taylor Swift, Sam Smith and (surprisingly) ABBA. I firmly believe that children learn fastest when they're having fun and so there really is no point drilling the likes of Hot Cross Buns or (shudder) The Entertainer unless there's an interest there already. This isn't to say that a great song will automatically inspire your child to practice an hour a day but it will certainly help, especially if they have an enthusiastic audience! Some of my favourite examples of my kids surprising me include 6-year-old L who composes a new piece each week (always with a hilarious title), 10-year-old H and their excellent taste in Beatle's music and 11-year-old C who learned the entire first movement of Moonlight Sonata before I told her it was a grade 8 piece. This isn't to say you need to start young to be fantastic at piano and next week's blog will be all about my amazing adult learners. Any questions? Feel free to comment on this post! 



Hello and welcome to my first ever blog post! As a music tutor I am endlessly discussing new ideas, theories and philosophies with my students and seeing as I've now entered the world of social media I thought I'd share them online. So often I'm asked how do I teach piano, which is in my opinion a very strange question. In my experience there is no set method that works on every single student. I've taught children under 5 and adults in their 50's. I've taught in person, via Skype, on keyboards, uprights and grand pianos. In every situation it's up to me as a tutor to adapt to that particular student's learning needs. The question I ask is 'what do you want?' Regardless of why you've chosen to learn piano you can speed up the process by explaining what it is you want to learn to your tutor. Not interested in classical? Not a problem. You'd rather compose your own music than play other people's? Fantastic! You've just always really wanted to learn that one song? You can. I've found there's a bit of a stigma concerning piano teachers and it usually involves cranky old ladies, cats and a ruler across the knuckles if you make a mistake. Admittedly, that was my own experience at the tender age of 3 but times have changed people! The world of music is a fascinating mix of old and new, classic and ever-changing and I never tire of helping my JKM students discover their place in it. If you're unsure of where you fit feel free to comment on this post and be sure to check back for weekly updates.
